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Jay Stacey - Of Beast and Beauty Of Beast and Beauty

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Книга Of Beast and Beauty - Автор Jay Stacey

Of Beast and Beauty - Jay Stacey

  • Жанр: Сказочная фантастика

  • Дата добавления: 2015-06-30

  • Кол-во страниц: 73

  • Поделиться в соц.сетях:

О книге

In the beginning was the darkness, and in the darkness was a girl, and in the girl was a secret...

In the domed city of Yuan, the blind Princess Isra, a Smooth Skin, is raised to be a human sacrifice whose death will ensure her city’s vitality. In the desert outside Yuan, Gem, a mutant beast, fights to save his people, the Monstrous, from starvation. Neither dreams that together, they could return balance to both their worlds.

Isra wants to help the city’s Banished people, second-class citizens despised for possessing Monstrous traits. But after she enlists the aid of her prisoner, Gem, who has been captured while trying to steal Yuan’s enchanted roses, she begins to care for him, and to question everything she has been brought up to believe.

As secrets are revealed and Isra’s sight, which vanished during her childhood, returned, Isra will have to choose between duty to her people and the beast she has come to love.