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Swat Adventures And Daughters Of The Gods - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 4

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  Like, know our monsters, you have a place at the bucket!

  After that, the guys went back to work. The air raid almost did not inflict losses on the children, only two boys were slightly wounded by fragments of bombs and they were bandaged.

  The pioneers and the guys a little older were in a fighting mood. Although there was not a single fighter whose beard would break through, there were no cowards among them either. All of them, half-starved and half-naked, worked with great enthusiasm and were eager to get even with the Orkshists as soon as possible. Cannonade rumbles in the distance, and very soon the Orkler machines will reach this line as well.

  The four girls in a parallel universe attacked the troops of orclics and trolls who dared to land in Fryma. A small detachment of Russian special forces also operated with them.

  In a way, this is a short-term intervention at the behest of the Russian gods in order to change world history.

  The battle was extremely hot, the girls were advancing. But the Russian special forces detachment also suffered significant losses. And there were a lot of enemies, so here in one place Orklia, Trollntsia, the Hobbit Kingdom and Furtsia gathered significant forces. They wanted to take a turning point over the Russian army advancing with the aim of releasing Revastopol.

  Of the four Russian tanks, three have already been knocked out, and the position of the combatants seems critical.

  But from the open hatch of the broken and scorched T-64, the youngest participant in this enchanting battle began to fire.

  But really, what is a child to do in a modern war? Only he can answer this. In any case, a twelve-year-old Moscow schoolboy, Edik Osetrov, decided that he could not sit out in one of the comfortable children's sanatoriums in generous Russia. Fascinated by the unique romance of war, he fled to the front. And I didn"t have to run far: the enemy stood near Fronetsk and mercilessly shot the city.

  Almost before the eyes of Eduard Osetrov, the school collapsed after hits from the Uragan multiple launch rocket system. Several children who did not have time to escape were buried under the ruins, and Anastasia Petrova, Edik's girlfriend, received terrible burns. She died long and very painfully. Ten days of hellish agony... And then, heavy shells smashed the apartment building where Eduard Osetrov's relatives lived.

  The young warrior shoots and does it very accurately! In practice, he has no misses, and now the next seven cartridges are used up, and the boy is busily pouring them into bags.

  The approach of large forces from the coast and fresh landing regiments, again swung the scales in the direction of the allied army. It is surprising that both mighty European empires sent so many forces to Frym. And if it"s customary to fight with the Trolls, then the Orcglians are a new enemy. In general, the "Frym War" is the only case in history when Russia and Orktania are at war officially. Prior to this, Orglia, in general, was considered a fairly friendly country, in particular, was an ally in the battle with Avapoleon. But now, it is a fierce and ambitious enemy who fears the growing Russian expansion.

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  Eduard Osetrov tossed the cartridge case with his bare foot. This time he slightly changed his habit of fighting by throwing discs with his feet. But nothing, and from a sniper rifle you can conduct surprisingly well-aimed fire.

  It is not so easy to see the enemies in the smoke, and even more so the faces are not visible. Therefore, the dead, whose death cries dissolve with many similar others, do not cause negative emotions. It's like you're going through a "shooter" game on a computer, or you're hitting electronic monitors in a shooting range.

  Now, if you feel that you didn"t hit, then this already causes irritation!

  And the enemy, taking advantage of the numerical superiority, is pushing the defenders of Revastopol. The light, rather rapid-fire and well-aimed field guns of the Orcglicans are beating and constantly nailing. It is also one of the reasons why Russia, since 1618 (for almost a quarter of a millennium, the Russians did not lose wars, but suffered defeat only in individual battles!) Was forced to yield.

  The thinned special forces squad with tanks, the warrior of the black forces, Victoria, ordered to regroup and save ammunition as much as possible. Transporters, there are only two of them, hastily covered with sandbags (these are trophies) and used machine guns mounted on them for shooting.

  Most of the special forces soldiers used up all their magazines, well, in general, an understandable story. Now they had to use the rifles captured from the enemy to fight back.

  Of course, in the course of such an intense fight, these clips are spit out very quickly. And you can"t fit many horns on one infantryman, they will interfere.

  True, there are still boxes with a margin on the armored vehicles themselves. So they should be used sparingly.

  About fifty people were left on their feet, and about, a couple more people with severe wounds were dragged out of the battlefield, half. Serious losses for secession from the twenty-first century.

  You need to take care of your people, especially since they came across a brave enemy who will not scatter at the first, even not too saturated volleys.

  The colonel who helps the Russian troops, Mikhail Tsarkov, is also wounded, but still on his feet. The main problem is that in the excitement the fighters used up too much ammunition, which is why it is very difficult to fight off the overwhelming numerically superior enemy. True, Tsarkov, like a sophisticated warrior, shoots sparingly, and he has a reserve. For example, he does not disdain single shots.

  But when the enemy began to throw grenades ...

  It is very dangerous when torn, even if small in terms of explosive power, but terribly numerous bombs.

  The warrior boy Edik starts throwing sharp disks with his bare feet. But it's like a dead poultice