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JOKE BOY AGAINST CYCLES - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 1

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  The boy, who has experienced a great many adventures, now commands a squad of children's special forces. And he has to fight the civilization of the cycles . What is very interesting is that there is space technology here.

  . CHAPTER #1

  The jester boy was in a combat suit with epaulettes of a space officer. Next to him was a girl, also in a suit with bells and whistles. And she is wearing a transparent, open helmet on all sides. The girl held a blaster in her hands and chirped:

  - Edik, maybe we'll wait for the rest of the team? Fighting cycles together when there are at least a hundred of them is too big a risk!

  The boy is a warrior, although he looks no more than twelve or thirteen, in a combat suit you can"t see what kind of muscles, but his eyes had a real prince. And he confidently said:

  - No! Let's go to battle together! As for enemies, don't be afraid. After all, I gave you a tiny pebble-artifact "armor", it reduces the chance of hitting a hundred times!

  The girl noted:

  - And a hundred times a lot!

  The boy was indignant:

  - I didn't know that you, Adala, are such a coward!

  The girl with orange hair said:

  - I'm not a coward! Well, let's go for a decisive breakthrough!

  And so the warrior children went into battle. All around there were rocks that sparkled with purple, emerald, lilac and pink flecked stones, and stalactites grew from the ground. And this is an extremely mysterious landscape.

  And ahead of the castle. It looks like a knightly, medieval, but with rockets and ray guns on the towers. And from above, the local sun shines, which is even hexagonal in shape, and the light now and then changes colors and coloring. And this also gives the whole landscape a very mysterious and, at the same time, charming look in its own way.

  The boy and the girl raced along the alternating, pulsing tile path. It may have been more customary for a young warrior to spank barefoot, but this combat suit, alas, is not separable. How many cycles are in the castle? This is also a mystery. And if there are only a hundred of them, then this is not so bad.

  The boy and girl immediately hid behind a stone when a tank of this very aggressive race appeared. It was tall, in the shape of a triangle, and on each of the three sides there was a muzzle. And the armor gives off steel, but he does not touch the surface, on an air cushion.

  The warrior boy Edward smiled his very sweet, if childish, smile. And he threw a small pea into the car of space aggressors.

  She flew over and jumped straight into the rather wide muzzle of the gun. And after a couple of seconds, a triangular, powerful tank explodes. It was like lightning struck an ammunition depot, and shattered into small fragments.

(window.adrunTag = window.adrunTag || []).push({v: 1, el: 'adrun-4-390', c: 4, b: 390})

  This, indeed, turned out to be quite a cool passage.

  Adala girl chirped:

  - That's clever! You are a real Jedi !

  The boy Edik nodded.

  - I had to be a Padawan ! But that is another story!

  After that, the brave children rushed further to the castle. The gates opened and three more tanks jumped out. Two of the same triangular, and the third is larger and hexagonal, with cannons on each side and another seven, which is on top.

  The fighter girl whistled:

  - Wow! We have new players!

  The warrior boy nodded.

  - You can break all-in!

  And the young warrior took out a small device, the size of a matchbox. And he turned on several programs in it, turning his index finger. Then the boy, whom the girl called Edward in this combat episode, launched this box. She flew smoothly in the direction of the largest tank. And it's almost invisible.

  The girl asked the boy:

  - What is it?

  Edik smiled and replied:

  - Surprise! Now you will see how it works!

  Indeed, the box flew into the barrel of a large tank. Only this time there was no explosion. The triumvirate continued to move. Moreover, two additional cars appeared.

  The girl Adala whispered:

  - What didn't work?

  The warrior boy winked.

  - Now you'll see!

  And indeed, the largest cannon of a large tank picked up and turned around, and how it will gouge at its triangular opponent. And hit him with an armor-piercing projectile. He flashed, and began to detonate the combat kit. And then the barrel was transferred to another tank, which is smaller, and hit him.

  Adala said with a smile:

  - Class!

  Edik tweeted:

  If the fortress is on the way,

  The enemy built...

  It is necessary to bypass from the rear -