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Girl-Queen Against Orcs - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 2

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  Will writhing in hell -

  And hang out on a bitch!

  The boy laughed and shook his tanned muscular leg. The prince's ankles were adorned with platinum bracelets, and precious stones of three colors in the form of a beautiful ornament. On his hands he also had jewelry in the form of a gold watch with dials. And so, he has a naked torso with very prominent muscles. And it seems that somewhere she saw such an unusually muscular, even by the standards of an elf, a boy of unprecedented beauty. Yes, there is something familiar about him.

  But so far Ellifa could not remember.

  Anyway. They are on winged, flying ships rushing forward to their dream. And there will be something interesting ahead!

  But a dragon appeared in the sky. He appeared like a devil jumping out of a snuffbox. And, huge, as many as twelve heads. This, one might say, is the emperor of dragons, the king of all kings.

  But the warriors did not panic and shouted at the boys, who made an alarming noise.

  Prince Edward tweeted:

  - Do not worry queen, this is our good ally! More precisely, master!

  The flying ships hovered in the air. The dragon flew towards them. Huge, like an airliner, and each wing span a hundred meters.

  Moreover, the scales of the dragon sparkle with a mixture of gold, silver, platinum and emeralds. Yes, majestic handsome, you will not say anything.

  Here his mouth opened, it will be seen to say something.

  Ellipha involuntarily plugged her ears, fearing a deafening roar. But the voice of a huge reptile suddenly turned out to be soft and, one might even say, feminine.

  - I am glad to greet you, beautiful girls and brave youths!

  In response, the warriors and young warriors shouted in unison:

  - Glory to the queen of Semirechye!

  The gigantic female dragon is already louder, thundering with all twelve heads:

  - Glory to heroes!

  Ellipa smiled. Her teeth sparkled with seafood.

  The boy prince whispered:

  - Now, you queen must sing something back!

  The girl stamped her foot in elegant high-heeled shoes and asked:

  - And what to sing?

  Edward chirped with a smile:

  - Something heroic!

  The female dragon, hearing the boy's words, objected:

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  - No! All girls should sing! Immediately and in unison!

  The boy prince replied:

  - Representatives of the stronger sex will not stand aside either!

  Twelve heads rumbled at once in a soft tone, but deafeningly:

  - Sing along, brave warriors!

  And a huge army of girls and boys began to perform a romance;

  We, warriors of the most beautiful Elfia,

  The great country that conquered the whole world ...

  The fields were irrigated with dew of diamonds,

  Celebrating a radiant feast in battle!

  We will be in eternal youth, girls,

  The boys are also not threatened by old age ...

  And the voice of young warriors is sonorous,

  And our friendship is a solid monolith!

  Under the orcs, the brave girls cannot bend,

  A cruel bear will not devour people ...

  Although the enemy, like a turkey pouted,

  But the cruel reptile, kill!

  We warriors know how to fight bravely,

  Union of damask steel, steel and fire...

  The soul of fire, not a clown,

  And there will be a strict penalty for the orcs!

  In our Fatherland there will be peace and happiness,

  Girls and boys on horseback...

  May heaven and earth be in their proud power,

  There will be, know, success to Satan!

  We were born to make a fairy tale come true

  And to the distant stars, I know, we will fly ...

  And the evil of the universe will turn into dust,