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Arrest And Search Of Rosa Luxembourg - Рыбаченко Олег Павлович - Страница 1
The famous revolutionary Rosa Luxembourg was arrested and taken into custody. In the women's prison, she has to endure meticulous searches, other procedures, humiliation and serious trials.
A young woman, Rosa Luxembourg, was arrested on the personal orders of Kaiser Wilhelm.
She was handcuffed and taken out of the house. People looked in bewilderment as a blond revolutionary, about thirty years old with a slender figure, was led out by the police.
Rose stomped her leather boots on the melting March snow, and tried to keep a calm expression on her face, pale with fear.
In order to cheer up and not give out excitement, the Marxist sang;
In the world of cold - snowfall,
A beggar even who is rich!
Devils rule the planet
Turned Earth into Hell!
If you want to live in joy,
So that happiness comes to everyone in the house!
Break the chains of slavery like a thread
Then the bag will be full!
There is a country that is an example for everyone,
A strong warrior is a pioneer!
The sword of his holy Fatherland,
So that the evil Sir does not blather!
Germany decree to all worlds,
Power of the wisest luminaries!
Without any, we will say embellishment,
The Almighty has shown us the way!
We will not know the word coward,
The soldier will not whisper - I'm afraid!
pure Orthodox faith,
God bless Jesus!
There is no peace in the hearts without Christ,
The radiant one leads to battle!
Without faith, war is vanity,
(window.adrunTag = window.adrunTag || []).push({v: 1, el: 'adrun-4-390', c: 4, b: 390})Let's lose the rampant score!
The Devil will tempt
Lie to your own - exam five!
But don't believe the wicked
There is no reason to betray!
We are faithful to the oath to the grave,
The space of descendants is waiting - believe me!
Let's cast down the sons of Satan
Will not be able to captivate the Earth!
Therefore, luck awaits
Who is strong - the Lord will save!
God loves the German people,
The flame in the veins melts the ice!
Let's reach the boundless borders -
Let's show the universe our way!
Do not fall down to the Orthodox us,
Do not bend the unclean in the horn!
Along the way, the policemen slapped the rose on the back with their palms - they say, there is nothing to sing songs when the Kaiser's Germany is losing the war. And when the troops of tsarist Russia had already entered Warsaw, which marks the turning point of the war. And this bitch knows itself sings.
Rose was taken to the building of the central Berlin prison. Everything is more or less clean and neat in German. Rose calmed down. In a German prison it will be clean, and most likely a solitary cell without bedbugs and rats, with soldering prescribed by law. And there Germany will capitulate in a few months and will be released. And maybe even in the new government, she will get the post of minister.
Rose, stamping the heels of her boots, sang:
- Let you live as a janitor,
You will be born again as a foreman...
And then you will grow from a foreman to a minister,
But if you are dumb as a tree -
You will be born a baobab
And you will be a baobab
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