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Английский язык: самоучитель - Шевчук Денис Александрович - Страница 4

Изменить размер шрифта:

4. Would you like to change money?

5. Would you like to go to the theatre?

6. Would you like to tell me your telephone number?

Language focus 2

Speech patterns

Речевые образцы


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1

Personal pronouns and «to be»

Личные местоимения и формы глагола «to be» – быть

1. Choose the right variant: am, is, are

Выберите правильный вариант: am, is, are

1. We.....................in Kingston Road.

2. Where.....................they from?

3. My children........................in the north of Russia.

4. .....................the transport good?

5. It.....................the way to my house.

6. My friends........................accountants.

7. ..........................your sister a guide?

8. I.......................a writer.

2. Ask questions. Give negative answers.

Задайте вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы.

Example: My brothers are farmers. Are they farmers? They aren’t farmers.

1. The transport is bad in this town.

2. I am a housewife.

3. They are managers of this company.

4. We are from this country.

5. The way is very long.

6. The days are lovely.

7. This road is new.

8. You are new accountants here.

9. The documents are old.

10. The company is in Dover Road.

3. Find one mistake in each sentence.

Найдите одну ошибку в каждом предложении.

1. Is the days lovely?

2. Yes, my children aren’t in the bar.

3. The cinema is in Rithen Square?

4. I is not at the bank.

5. The taxi aren’t near the theatre.

6. Where the hotel?

7. What is your names?

8. The towns are’nt in the north of France.

9. I am not a student, I a doctor.

10. Where are he from?

Language focus 2



4. Choose the correct variant.

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. .............house is in Spain.

A. their B. them C. us

2. Tell...............about this country.

A. our B. us C. she

3. ..................are not from Japan.

A. he B. they C. our

4. They are ................children.

A. we B. its C. his

5. Take this book. Give..................to the manager, please.

A. her B. them C. it

6. I want to tell...................the story.

A. them B. its C. me

7. Give.....................this banana, please.

A. he B. me C. our

8. .................street is in the north.

A. me B. it C. our

9. ................have a nice bar.

A. they B. our C. her

10. This is................new car.

A. us B. it C. my

5. Write your own sentences with the following pronouns.

Напишите свои предложения со следующими местоимениями.

Example: (they) They live in the north of Russia.









6. Write in the correct form of the verb «to be».

Впишите правильную форму глагола «to be».

1. Our house...........lovely.

2. Their children (not)...................at the bank.

3. We ..................in the east of Spain now.

4. ................it your new car?

5. Where..................their managers?

6. What....................his nationality?

7. They (not)...................secretaries, they..................lawyers.

8. ................I your new managing director?

9. Where..................our documents?

10. It (not)......................my address.


1. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.

Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.

2. Speak about yourself. Choose the correct variant.

Расскажите о себе. Выберите верный вариант предложения.

1. I am / am not married.

2. My country is / is not big.

3. The day is / isn’t lovely.

4. My friends are / aren’t from Italy.

5. My children are / aren’t big.

6. My name is / isn’t Ann.

7. My work is / isn’t interesting.

8. My company is / isn’t good.

9. I am / am not a manager.

10. My town is / isn’t in the north.

Close your eyes. Try to recollect as many sentences as possible.

Закройте глаза. Постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше предложений из только что составленных.

3. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.

Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить.


Sarah: Good morning.

Martin: Good morning. How are you?

Sarah: I’m fine, thanks. And you?

Martin: I’m O.K. It is a lovely day today.

Sarah: Yes. Where are your friends?

Martin: They are in Dublin?

Sarah: In Dublin? Where is Dublin?

Martin: It is in Ireland.

Sarah: Are you from Ireland?

Martin: No, I’m from Britain.


David: What is your job?

Mary: I’m a guide.

David: Where is your company?

Mary: It’s in London.

David: Where are you from?

Mary: I’m from Dover.

David: Where is Dover?

Mary: It’s in the south-east of Britain.

David: Oh. Is the transport good?

Mary: The transport to London? Yes, it is good.

4. Say what you would like to.

Скажите, что Вы хоте ли бы.

Example: I would like / I’d like to work here.

5. Read the answer. What is the question?

Прочитайте ответы. Какими должны быть вопросы?

1. ........................................................................

Yes, I’d like to tell you about London.

2. ........................................................................

They are from Italy.

3. ........................................................................

I’m fine, thanks.

4. ........................................................................


5. ........................................................................